Rapid ID kits for LAB

Jaime Finguerut JAIME at azul.ctc.com.br
Tue Jul 20 15:36:57 EST 1999

Dear Friends of Lactacid:

We are needing some advice finding a laboratory or a firm that would 
like to develop a simple, rapid and cheap test kit to detect the 
presence of a certain lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus fermentum 
strains) that are able to induce flocculation in our industrial 
alcoholic fermentation process.
This test kit must (perhaps) be developed not for the bacteria itself 
but for detecting the protein (s?) responsible for the 
co-flocculation phenomena.
We have considerable evidence that most of the flocculation problems 
we have are directly related to Lacobacillus infection and it is 
certainly mediated by lectins, that attach to the mannose moiety of 
the cell wall of the bacteria.
We can send a lyophil of a typical strain that is able to 
co-flocculate with our yeast.
If possible reply directly to me (jaime at azul.ctc.com.br)
I thank you in advance for your kind help.

Jaime Finguerut (Mr., chem.eng.)
Cx.Postal 162 Piracicaba
Sao Paulo BRAZIL 13400-970
fax +55 19 429 8109
jaime at azul.ctc.com.br

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