Postdoc Plant Pathology

Scott Gold sgold at arches.uga.edu
Mon Jul 19 12:30:19 EST 1999

A USDA-NRI supported postdoctoral position (or possibly two) is
available for the study of Ustilago maydis morphogenesis and
pathogenicity.  Genetic and/or molecular biological approaches are being
employed to identify genes involved in these processes.  U. maydis is a
highly tractable system and its host, maize, is one of the best studied
genetic systems in plants.  The laboratory is located in Athens, Georgia
in the Department of Plant Pathology at the University of Georgia.  The
University of Georgia has an exceptionally strong set of programs
related to fungal genetics and mycological research which will aid
interested researchers.  Motivated, team oriented researchers are
encouraged to apply.  The position is available for a minimum of 2 years.

For relevant publications see
http://mars.cropsoil.uga.edu/ppath/gold.htm and for additional details
please contact Scott Gold at sgold at arches.uga.edu.  If interested in
applying please send a C.V. to the email address listed above.

Scott Gold
Assistant Professor
Department of Plant Pathology
University of Georgia
Athens, Georgia 30602-7274

Phone: (706) 542-1259
FAX:   (706) 542-1262

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