Postdoc position available

Keith Joblin joblink at agresearch.cri.nz
Wed Jul 14 22:06:58 EST 1999


Two highly motivated scientists are required for the Rumen Microbiology Unit at 
AgResearch's Grasslands Research Centre, Palmerston North, New Zealand.  The two 
postdoctoral researchers will have responsibility for identifying and monitoring 
microbes responsible for anaerobic transformations of fatty acids in the rumen.  The 
study will apply culture and DNA/RNA probe technologies and the determination of 
microbial interactions and dietary factors affecting fatty acid transformations will 
be a key part of the study.  

The successful applicants will be microbiologists with recent experience in a range 
of molecular biology and biochemical techniques, with good publication records, and 
with good communication skills.  For further information contact Dr KN Joblin at Fax 
64-6-3518003 or Email joblink at agresearch.cri.nz

These 2-year appointments will start as soon as possible.   There is a firm 
possibility of extension by a further 2-years and career establishment.  Send CV and 
names of two referees to joblink at agresearch.cri.nz by August 6,1999.

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