susceptibility of ultra-bacteria to heat?

David Lloyd-Jones icomm5 at netcom.ca
Wed Jul 14 13:04:32 EST 1999

Anne Thomas <anne.t at net.ntl.com> wrote in message
news:378CCA6A.C9F87901 at net.ntl.com...
> ..... and little boys spawn from "Slugs + snails + puppy dogs tails"!
> (Whereas of course - Sugar + spice + all things nice... thats what
> little girls are made\spawn(!!) from!)
> Anne :o)


Do you think it might be Barbara McClintock's jumping genes that brought
about the feminist revolution?

I've known a few sugar and spice and slugs and snailses in my time, and it
parses even if it doesn't scan.


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