Possible degradation in the effectiveness of antibiotics in the treatment of human diseases

Graham Shepherd muhero at globalnet.co.uk
Wed Jul 14 06:06:34 EST 1999

Bill Angel wrote in message ...
>In article <7m7vic$8aa$1 at gxsn.com>,
>Graham Shepherd <muhero at globalnet.co.uk> wrote:
>>Toxoplasma isn't a bacterium and can't be treated with antibiotics. It's a
> Perhaps I had misunderstood the article that I read....
> But in searching the web to check out the point that you made (above)
> I came across a relevant article:
> The title of the article is: "Antibiotic Slows Parasites"
> and it reports on positive results from  research that
>demonstrated  that antibiotics designed to
>kill bacteria can  also slow the growth of a multicellular parasite
>in petri dishes. According to the article:
>      "The
>       researchers treated a petri dish culture of human
>       connective tissue cells that were infected with
>       Toxoplasma gondii, a parasite that infects AIDS
>       patients. Not only did the antibiotic ciprofloxacin
>       inhibit apicoplast DNA copying by 50%, it also slowed
>       parasite reproduction threefold and killed them soon
>       afterward."
> --- Bill

Just goes to show there's always something new - I've not seen that article.
The fact that it apparently works in vitro does not necessarily mean that it
will work as a treatment. The basic problem with any eukaryitoc disease
causing organism (eg fungi, protozoa) is that we are eukaryotes too. Our
cell machinery is pretty close to that of the disease agent - what's toxic
for them is toxic for us, usually. Pathogens are not difficult to eradicate,
unless you also want the patient to survive the treatment....


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