susceptibility of ultra-bacteria to heat?

David Lloyd-Jones icomm5 at netcom.ca
Mon Jul 12 04:09:16 EST 1999

*selah* <soma at iii.dorsai.org> wrote in message
news:slrn7oiqbs.pii.soma at amanda.dorsai.org...
> Ok. But, no one has talked about what the arguments are against the
> existence of these bacteria. I had recently read that all bacteria arise
> from viruses anyway. And that bacteria give rise to fungi. So it sounds
> like maybe these "ultra bacteria" are possibly like an in-between stage of
> devolopment (between viruses and bacteria)?

This is fake modern science, which you should be very careful about. The
truth is they come out of bad air, which is found in swamps and in places
where murders have been committed.


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