Possible degradation in the effectiveness of antibiotics in the treatment of human diseases

Bill Angel wtangel at chele.cais.net
Fri Jul 9 15:52:37 EST 1999

In article <7m5g84$l82$1 at gxsn.com>,
Graham Shepherd <muhero at globalnet.co.uk> wrote:
>There probably aren't too many bacterial infections that commonly affect
>cats and dogs and people. 

	I did a little research on the Web, and located one disease that
humans can contract from cats, and that is usually treated (in humans) by
taking antibiotics: Toxoplasmosis.

	According to what I read "Toxoplasma can grow and complete its
life cycle only in cats and other felines". Apparently, the current form
of the disease poses a significant health risk only to pregnant women (as
the disease can be passed on to the fetus) and to persons with "weakened
immune systems".

 --- Bill

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