susceptibility of ultra-bacteria to heat?

Lesley Robertson l.a.robertson at stm.tudelft.nl
Thu Jul 8 05:53:24 EST 1999

David Lloyd-Jones <icomm5 at netcom.ca> wrote in message
news:m7Sg3.2988$j3.14060 at tor-nn1.netcom.ca...
> Timothy Paustian <paustian at bact.wisc.edu>
> >
> > Ultrasmall bacteria are still controversial. They really haven't proven
> > to many scientists that they do exist. I would speculate that they are
> > as heat resistant as other bacteria, but that entirely depends upon the
> species.
> >
> I never thought of bacteria as coming in "species." Strains, surely. Or am
> wrong?
They come in families, then genera, then species, then strains - and people
keep changing the names!
(sorry, I'm busy writing a chapter for the new edition of the Prokaryotes,
and having to retype all the tables from the last edition).
Lesley Robertson

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