postdoctoral positions

Wed Jul 7 16:04:56 EST 1999

Postdoctoral Positions in Molecular Biology

 NIH-funded postdoctoral positions are available immediately to study
molecular mechanisms of transcriptional regulation.  Currently there are
two on-going research programs in the lab.  One focuses on the general
transcription factor TFIIB in yeast and its role in transcriptional
activation (see MCB 16, 3652-3657, 1996; PNAS 94, 2427-2432, 1997).  The
second program addresses the questions of how the Drosophila homeodomain
protein Bicoid interacts with DNA and how Bicoid molecules communicate
with each other to facilitate cooperative DNA binding (see Development
122, 1195-1206, 1996; JBC 271, 21660-21665, 1996; Biochem. J. 338,
447-455, 1999; J. Biochem. 125, 809-817, 1999).

 The postdoctoral positions will offer competitive salary and fringe
benefits through the Children's Hospital.  Strong funding is available
for our research programs.  Our lab is physically located in the
fast-expanding Children's Hospital Research Foundation; a new research
wing was just finished and another research wing is currently under
construction.  We are a part of the University of Cincinnati College of
Medicine, where there are several research groups interested in gene
control mechanisms.

 Applicants should have a recent Ph.D. in genetics, biochemistry or
molecular biology, which strong research experience.  Please send
current CV including names of references to:

Jun Ma, Ph.D.
Division of Developmental Biology
Children's Hospital Research Foundation
3333 Burnet Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45229

(513)-636-7977 (phone)
(513)-636-4317 (fax)
jun.ma at chmcc.org (e-mail)

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