Bacteria list wanted

Russell Farris tryggvi at email.msn.com
Sat Jul 3 03:21:13 EST 1999

        Thanks for the clarifications. I'm interested in intracellular
pathogens that often cause disease in humans, other than viruses. I thought
Toxoplasma was a bacterium. I don't think I need to tell you this is not my
regular field. Thanks.

Russ Farris

lamb <L.A.M.Buisman at cable.A2000.nl> wrote in message
news:377E1ADF.E2AE81FD at cable.A2000.nl...
> Russell Farris wrote:
> >         Could anyone tell me where I might find a list of common
> > I'm particularly interested in intracellular bugs like Chlamydia,
> > Toxoplasma, and some (?) Escheria. Thanks.
> What do you mean by "common"?Natural flora in humans, animals, water,
> plants?
> Often found as cause of disease (human, animal, plants?)
> What do you mean when you say "bacteria"? You also mention Toxoplasma.

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