Separations in Biotechnology
29th-31st March 1999 - University of Reading, UK
This conference, the fourth in the highly successful series concerned
with bioproduct separations and purification, is organised by the
Biotechnology and Separation Science Groups of the SCI. It will be the
forum for presentation and discussion on developments and outstanding
issues in the underpinning sciences and in the applications of
separation technology. A special feature of these meetings is the
opportunity they provide for interaction between academics and
industrialists. The three day meeting will include keynote lectures,
paper presentations, poster sessions, workshops and commercial software
and equipment demonstrations.
The full conference programme and registration information can be found
on the SCI website at:
Register before 8th February and get reduced rates.
Dr Tom Arnot
Department of Chemical Engineering Tel: +44 (0)1225 826707
University of Bath Fax: +44 (0)1225 826894
Claverton Down
Bath BA2 7AY