Information Needed by College Student!

Julie Paquin jpaqui2 at PO-BOX.MCGILL.CA
Sat Jan 30 19:34:23 EST 1999

I can give this web site address
http://www.sciam.com/1998/0398issue/0398levy.html   It is a very good
article that talks about antibiotic resistance, how it is acquire and what
we can do about it and it also mentionnes other antibacterial compounds like
soap and why we should avoid using them.  It is very well written and easy
to understand.


+AD4-I am curious if anyone can help me with my term paper topic for my
+AD4-microbiology class.  I am debating a topic of bacteria and how the use of
+AD4-antibacterial soaps are having an affect on them.  Could anyone lead me in
+AD4-right direction for research?  If you could that would be greatly
+AD4-appreciated.  Thank you.
+AD4-Jennifer Smith

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