Kitten.Kate at (Kitten Kate) wrote:
>>RE>>MY>I'm taking antibiotics for more than 6 months now as a treatment for
>RE>>MY>urethritis (the top of my urethra is giving me a burning feeling)
>RE>>MY>without a positive result.
>RE>>MY>Now my uroloog has doubts whether the burning feeling is really caused
>RE>>MY>by an infection or by something else.
>RE>>You might want to check with your gyno to see if you have vestibulitis
>RE>>or vulvodynia. Both of them can cause burning to the urethra and
>RE>>genital area.
>>RE>Good suggestion Kate, but, though the name does not indicate it to me
>RE>either, the poster is a man, (who posts to another group to which I
>RE>subscribe, which is how I know).
>>Oh, whoops. Well, he can disregard my advice, but maybe it can help
>someone with the right parts. <G>
I'm sure it will.