False negatives on tests for Chlamydia

lamb L.A.M.Buisman at cable.A2000.nl
Wed Jan 27 16:26:25 EST 1999

What kind of test was done? Serological? PCR ?
After treatment the micro-organism usually cannot be detected anymore, but
antibodies can.

Russell Farris wrote:

>         I was recently tested for Chlamydia pneumoniae and was very
> surprised when the results came back negative. I found an article by a
> veterinarian that said that many antibiotics would interfere with ELISA,
> serology, and other tests for Chlamydia psittaca. I found similar articles
> dealing with Lyme disease and Helicobacter pylori. None of these articles
> listed any citations. I had just completed a course of doxycycline when the
> tests were initiated.
>         Would aspirin or vitamins affect the results of these diagnostic
> tests?
>         I would very much appreciate pointers to information on factors that
> can cause false negative results from these tests. I can't get my HMO to
> give me azithromycin until I get positive test results, even though my GP
> and the infectious diseases guy both think I have Cp. Thanks,
> Russ Farris

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