Igor manzenuk at cityline.ru
Mon Jan 25 08:42:47 EST 1999

NAME: Igor Manzeniuk
COMPANY: Tarasevich Sate Research Institute for the Standartization &
Control of Medical Immunobiological Preparations
FAX (095) 241-39-22.
Tel. (095) 952-40-98
E-mail: manzenuk at cityline.ru
Citizenship:Russia citizen

OBJECTION: Seeking for position as researcher scientist, postdoctor,
microbiologist or other in Microbiology, Biothechnology, Pharmaceutical.

1992 Ph.D. (Microbiology) from State Research Center for Applied
Microbiology, Obolensk, Moscow Region, Russia.
1987 -1990 Graduate Student ( State Research Center for Applied
Microbiology, Obolensk,Moscow region, Russia).
1987 M.S., EpÕdemiology (Honors Degree) from Sanct-Peterburg Medical
Institute of Hygiene and Sanitation, Sanct-Peterburg, Russia.

Jan.1998-present  Research Scientist at the Laboratory of Standartization
and Control of immunobiological preparations against arbovirus, rickettsia,
chlamydia and HIV- infections. Tarasevich State Research Institute
Standartization & Control Medical Immunobiological preparations.
To take part in studies on development immunological (IFA, ELISA, DFA) and
PCR test-systems for diagnostics of Chlamydia trachomatis, C.psittaci and
C.pneumoniae. Panels of serum and DNA for evaluation of quality a

1997-1997. State Research Center for Applied Microbiology, Obolensk, Moscow
Region, Russia.
Research Scientist at the Laboratory of Microbiology Vegetative Form.
Project Participant ISTC N 433. Duties: separation chromosome DNA
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, amplification of the gene of a 30kD-protein,
cloning and subcloning insert into plasmid vectors (pUC 19,pET 22b).
Jan.1996 - 1997.Involved with the studies of the genetic approaches
attenuation Pasteurella multocida, Erysipelothrix rhusiopathia and
Burkholderia, development vectors, vaccines.
1987-1995. Participated in the projects on development  vaccines for
specific protection against pathogenic pseudomonads. Involved with the
studies of the properties pathogenic burkholderia; mechanisms of resistance
to antimicrobial agents and genetic exchange of Burkholderia, development of
animal model infections, antibiotic sensitivities, chemotherapy.
General Microbiology: Culture collections, screening, identification,
optimization of growth conditions;
Clinical and Veterinary Microbiology and Immunology: determination
susceptibility of microorganisms to antimicrobial agents, studies of
mechanisms resistance, clinical and laboratory methods research biochemical
and immunological of parameters, IFA, ELISA, DFA ;
Molecular Biology: isolation of chromosomal DNA/RNA, extraction and
purification plasmids, electroporation, PCR-analysis, chemical and
transposon mutagenesis, restriction digest of DNA, cloning, electrophoresis,
construction of recombinant plasmids.
Infections and Pharmacology: large experience of work with ( Burkholderia
mallei, Burkholderia pseudomallei, Pasteurella multocida, Erysipelothrix
rhusiopathia, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, E.coli 0157:H7 and other);
development of the experimental animal model infection; development
effective methods prophylaxis and treatment infections, including
antibiotic - resistant strains of microorganisms; fharmacokinetics
antibiotics; preclinical trials of novel antibiotics; development chemical
and live attenuated vaccines for specific protection against infections
(glanders, melioidosis, pasteurellosis, erysipeloid, salmonelosis and etc.);
Windows 98, Microsoft Word, Exel, Information search via Internet, Midline
and etc.
1997. Institute Virology (Moscow)
Specialized training on practical course in PCR, RT-PCR.
1994 -1995 Moscow State University and Pushchino Center of Biological
Research (Pushchino,Moscow Region, 142229 Russia)
Theoretical and Practical Course in Molecular Biology ofNucleic Acids,
Protein Biosynthesis, Molecular Biology of Eucariotic Gene, Gene Cloning,
Protein Chemistry
1988 State Research Center for Applied Microbiology (Obolensk, Moscow
region, 142279, Russia)
Practical Course for work with biological material of high risk.

Main publication:
1. Manzenyuk I.N., Ganina E,V., Dorokhin V.V., Kalachev I.Ya., Borzenkov
V.V., Svetoch E.A. Burkholderia mallei and Burkholderia pseudomallei.
Pathogenesis. Heterologus vaccines. Antibiotics and Chemotherapy.1999,
T.44., N 4. ( in press).
2. Svetoch E.A., Stepanshin Yu.G., Manzenyuk I.N., Chramov M.V et al.
Sensitivity Escherichia coli O157:H7, causative agent of a gemorragical
colitis, to antibacterial agents. // Antibiotics and Chemotherapy.1998,
T.43., N.10.
3. Khomyakov Yu. N., Manzenyuk I.N., Naumov D.V., Svetoch E.A.. Principles
of therapy of glanders in monkeys (in Russian). Zh. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol.
Immunobiol (Moscow), 1998, N. 1. P.70-74.
4. Manzenyuk I.N., Chomyakov Yu.N., Ganina E.A ., Titareva G.M. , Buzyun
A.V., Naumov D.N., Svetoch E.A. Modifications homeostasis at model malleus
in monkeys ( in Russian).Antibiotics and Chemotherapy.1997, T.42., N.5.,
5. Stepanshin Yu.G., Manzenyuk I.N., Svetoch E.á. Pasteurella multocida -
clinical value. Sensitivity to antibiotics. Treatment. (in Russian).
Antibiotics and Chemotherapy. 1997., ô.42., N.2. P.36-41.
6. Manzenyuk I.N., Marchenko á.I., Svetoch E.á. Study of sensitivity strains
P.mallei to antimicrobial agents in vitro on a model of cell-like cultures
in Russian). Antibiotics and Chemotherapy. 1996., ô.41., N.11. P.19-23.
7. Pomerancev á.P., Manzenyuk I.N., Svetoch ô.E., Stepanshin Yu.G., Kondrik
E.K.,Svetoch E.á., Gusev V.V. Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae: plasmids and
resistance to antibacterial drugs ( in Russian). Antibiotics and
Chemotherapy. 1996., ô.41., N.4., pp.30-35.
8. Filonov á.å., Manzenyuk I.N. , Svetoch E.á. Conjugative transfer and
expression of R-plasmids of the genus Pseudomonas in the cells of
Pseudomonas mallei C-5. ( in Russian). Antibiotics and Chemotherapy. 1996.,
Vol.41., N.3.,pp.20-24.
9. Manzenyuk I.N., Svetoch E.á., Dyadishev N.R., Stepanshin Yu.G., Buzyun
A.V. Some indices of infectious process in therapy of malleus in monkeys
in Russian). Antibiotics and Chemotherapy. 1996., Vol.41., N.1., pp.13-18.
10. Manzenyuk I.N., Manzenyuk O.Yu., Filonov A.V., Stepanshin Yu.G., Svetoch
E.A. Resistance of Pseudomonas mallei to tetracyclines: estimation of
possible chemotherapy ( in Russian). Antibiotics and Chemotherapy. 1995,
V.40, N.11-12.,pp.40-44.
11. Stepanshin Yu.G., Manzenyuk I.N., Svetoch E.A., Volkovoi K.I. In vitro
development of fluoroquinolone resistance in Pseudomonas mallei. ( in
Russian). Antibiotics and Chemotherapy.1994., Vol.39., N.8., pp.30-33
12. Manzenyuk I.N., Stepanshin Yu.G.,Svetoch E.A. Estimation of possible
chemotherapy of malleus induced by Pseudomonas mallei strains resistant to
sulfanilamides and trimethoprim ( in Russian). Antibiotics and Chemotherapy.
1994., Vol.39., N.7., pp.30-34.
13. Manzenyuk I.N., Dorohin V.V., Svetoch E.A. In vitro and in vivo activity
of antibacterial drugs against Pseudomonas mallei ( in Russian). Antibiotics
and Cemotherapy.1994, Vol.39., N.2-3, pp.26-30.
1. Dorokhin V.V., Manzenyuk I.N. Estimation efficiency of combination
biseptol with gramurin at treatment experimental malleus in monkey. Abstr.
All-Union conference "Actual problems chemotherapy bacterial of
infections"., Oct., 1991, Moscow, pp.189 -190.
2. Kalachev I.YA., Baydus á.N., Ivanova ï.á., Ganina å.á., Veryasov V.N.,
Manzenyuk I.N. Study immunogenity membrane proteins of the melioidosis /
Immunology and specific prophylactic especially dangerous infections.
Materials Russian scientific conference.Sept. 1993, Saratov, pp.119 -120.
3. Dorokhin V.V., Manzenyuk I.N, Borzenkov V.N.,Svetoch E.A., Kalachev I.Ya.
Study of possibility use heterologus vaccines for protection from glanders
and melioidosis / Immunology and specific prophylactic especially dangerous
infections. Materials Russian scientific conference. Sept. 1993, Saratov,
4. Manzenyuk I.N, Dorokhin V.V., Svetoch E.á. Dynamics of indices infectious
process in monkeys with aerogenic form malleus / Immunology and specific
prophylactic especially dangerous infections. Materials Russian scientific
conference. Sept. Saratov, 1993., pp.297-298.
5. Astashkin å.I., Pashkunov D.M., Manzenyuk I.N, Manzenyuk O.Yu.,
Stepanshin Yu.G., Svetoch E.A.. Pasteurella multocida: vectors for cloning
heterologus genetic information / Bayev Memorial Conference, May, 1996,
Moscow, Russia, pp.290.
6. Manzenyuk I.N., Biketov S.F., Manzenjuk O.Yu., Filonov A.V., Svetoch E.A.
Mechanisms of resistance to antimicrobial agents in Burkholderia mallei.
Chemotherapy. Abstr. 8-th International Congress on Infectious Diseases,
Boston, Massachusetts, USA , May 15 -18, 1998, N.84.032., pp.234-235.
7. Svetoch E.A., Eruslanov B.V.., Borzenkov V.N., Khramov M.V., Stepanshin
Yu.G., Manzenyuk I.N., Shobukhova T.S., Stepanov A.V. Escherichia coli
0157:H7: cases of hemorrhagic colitis in Russia. Abstr. 8-th International
Congress on Infectious Diseases, Boston, Massachusetts, USA , May 15 -18,
1998, N.84.004, pp.244.
8. O.Yu.Manzenyuk, I.N. Manzenyuk, V. N. Stepanshina, I. G. Shemyakin.
Amplification-based DNA fingerprinting of some clinical isolates of
Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Abstr.6th Western Pacific Congress Chemotherapy
and Infectious Diseases, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 29 Nov - 3 Dec 1998.
9. I.N. Manzenyuk and O.Y. Manzenyuk. Genetic exchange and virulence of
Burkholderia mallei. Abstr. 6th Western Pacific Congress Chemotherapy and
Infectious Diseases, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 29 Nov - 3 Dec 1998.
10. A.A. Niyazmatov, I.N. Manzenyuk , M.S. Vorobjeva. Express - diagnostic
of infectious diseases with use new latex test-systems. Abstr. 6th Western
Pacific Congress Chemotherapy and Infectious Diseases, Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia 29 Nov - 3 Dec 1998.
References: Available upon request.
E-mail:manzenuk at cityline.ru

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