> Do you know of any virus which was transmitted by one route,
>and then has change to an entirely different one?
Well, yes, actually. SIV was transmitted
monkey-to-monkey, and caused no ill
effect in humans, at all. Then it evolved
(mutated) into HIV, and spread in a whole,
new way: human-to-human.
Different variations of the virus spread to
cats, to cows. Why should it not be valid
to worry about a new variation on the
virus that survives well in mosquitos, as
well, etc?
"Finite" is sometimes used erroneously
to imply "small".
"Infinitesmal" implies "small". "Finite" can
sometimes mean "small", and other times,
for all intents and purposes, "infinite".
For HIV, I believe that the latter is closer
to the truth.