PRIMEX Marine Peptone

Hemant Chikarmane hchikarmane at mediaone.net
Wed Jan 20 14:46:46 EST 1999

Carsten Hohoff wrote:

> I am looking for a substitute of Marine Peptone (originally from PRIMEX,
> Norway) - this company does no longer exist & I have browsed through a
> couple a catalogs (on line & printed matter), but I did not get any hit for
> this product or a related one (e.g., Marine Peptone or Fish Peptone).

You might want to contact Difco.  They prepare fish peptone on bulk order (50
kg batch) for companies.  Sometimes, they will have a couple of extra kg that
they can sell you.  At one point (depending on interest) they were considering
putting it in the catalog, but they haven't done it yet.  I have used this
fish peptone, and it dissolves to yield a clear solution, unlike some of the
others that I have tried.  Other manufacturers like Oxoid (UK) may also have
similar peptones.

Good luck.

Hemant Chikarmane

Marine Biological Laboratory
Woods Hole, MA 02543

hchikarmane at mediaone.net

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