Vibrio alginolyticus

J.Rowlands oss004 at bangor.ac.uk
Fri Jan 15 07:18:48 EST 1999

Vibrio alginolyticus is fairly undemanding in its nutritional
requirements.  We use this species quite a lot at our department, and find
that a very simple marine medium works well:


	750mL seawater (32ppt)
	250mL distilled water

	5g peptone
	3g yeast extract 
	15g agar (omit if liquid broth required).

I've just pulled out some very dense cultures of alginolyticus grown with
this medium, so you can be assured it works !  The medium is obviously not
selective for Vibrio's.

John Rowlands
Senior Technician (Genetics & Biotechnology Group)
School of Ocean Sciences,
University of Wales, Bangor.

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