FREE High Throughput Screening Supplies

stewartl at alkami.com stewartl at alkami.com
Wed Jan 13 21:40:15 EST 1999

Alkami Biosystems and United Scientific Products are conducting a survey
of those of you who do high throughput genomic screening. In
appreciation for your responses to these seven brief questions, we will
send you FREE:

     * 500  1.5ml microtubes 
     * PLUS 1000 yellow tips (200ul) 
     * PLUS a 24-PCR-plate, 48-PCR-plate, 96-PCR-plate, 
          OR 384-PCR-plate sample 


      * This offer is limited to submissons from the United States.
      * ALL survey questions must be answered.
      * This offer is limited to the first 100 responses. 

The survey is located at: http://www.alkami.com/pgsurvey.htm

Thank you for your interest.
"Simplified Solutions for Complex Questions" tm
info at alkami.com       http://www.alkami.com
P.O. Box 11216         Berkeley CA 947012 USA

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