Bacillus subtilis... PCR

Mark Payton mpayton at molbiol.ox.ac.uk
Wed Jan 13 09:38:56 EST 1999

Dear All,

This is aimed at those molecular biologists working with these bacteria. I
am having difficulty amplifying a gene identified from the whole genome

Are there any tricks to PCR amplifying from these bacteria? Such as DMSO
etc.(I had no joy with a 6percent solution).

I am trying to amplify from cell pellets. Has anyone had success
amplifying from bacterial pellets? I heat to 95 degrees C for 5 mins prior
to the PCR cycle.

Does anyone have a cDNA library perhaps from B.subtilis that I could have
an aliquot of to try to PCR from this?

I have contacted the people involved in the whole genome project and they
do not have the relevant DNA to distribute as a shot gun sequencing
strategy was employed. Bit of a downfall with the whole genome project

I would be extremly grateful for any help.

Much thanks,



                    Department of Pharmacology,
                    University of Oxford,
                    OX1 3QT
                    Tel; +441865 271595
                    fax; +441865 271853
                    email; mpayton at worf.molbiol.ox.ac.uk


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