(Fwd) internal cell pH

Jaime Finguerut JAIME.CTTI-3.CTTI.CTC at azul.ctc.com.br
Tue Jan 12 11:44:06 EST 1999

Dear All:

Would you please help my friend below?
Don't forget to put his address at the "To:" Field.

Thanks a lot


------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
To:            nobody at net.bio.net
From:          fuller at envirogen.com
Subject:       internal cell pH
Date:          Tue, 12 Jan 1999 09:39:04 -0800
Organization:  PSINet

Just a general microbiology question that I haven't been able to find an
answer to...

How does internal cell pH of a bacterial cell usually compare to
external pH?  I know that cell pH is usually close to 7, but are there
shifts in this.  If the outside pH were say around 6, would the internal
pH shift to a little lower or a little higher than 7.  And vice versa if
the external pH were say 7.5-8.0?

Any and all responses much appreciated.


fuller at envirogen.com

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Jaime Finguerut (Mr., chem.eng.)
Cx.Postal 162 Piracicaba
Sao Paulo BRAZIL 13400-970
fax +55 19 429 8109
jaime at azul.ctc.com.br

Jaime Finguerut (Mr., chem.eng.)
Cx.Postal 162 Piracicaba
Sao Paulo BRAZIL 13400-970
fax +55 19 429 8109
jaime at azul.ctc.com.br

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