Growing Bacteria?

Isoinfo777 isoinfo777 at aol.com
Mon Jan 4 10:34:50 EST 1999

You can order the prepared petri dishes thru
Nasco Scientifics. Tell them the intended use and they should be able to
instruct you on which petri dish to buy. ( I'd recommend TSA (tryptic soy agar)
plates.  They are out of Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin and the phone # is
414-563-2446. If your son intends to grow common household organisms and normal
flora of the mouth, ears etc., there is still the
possibility of pathogenic (disease causing) 
bacteria from  a person who is a carrier, so I'd recommend using the covers
that come with the dishes. Overall, it's a fun and educational
experiment. Good luck! 
Stephanie     isoinfo at neo.lrun.com.

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