how use ultraviolet light to sterilize?

Rog rlm at ricochet.net
Tue Jan 5 21:43:28 EST 1999

On 30 Dec 1998 15:52:48 -0000, "jayakumar" <jakku at mrna.tn.nic.in>

>Dear members

>   Moreover UV does not pass through any OPAQUE  material, least of all
>plastic.  Water also absorbs UV, as does glass. Quartz is transparent to UV.
>   Please comment on this
>R. Jayakumar, CSIR-SRF,
>School of Biotechnology,
>Madurai Kamaraj University,
>Madurai - 625021.

I beg to take exception to this - some recent experiments I have
conducted on samples of common gallon sized plastic milk containers
have found them to be highly transmissive of UVC rays (and of course
UVA and UVB as well), even though they are translucent, rather than
transparent.  They may, in fact, be considerably more transparent than
many forms of glass.

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