Pleaase don't forget that most bugs can photoreactivate after UV
exposure so the claim of UV benefit may be more of a lab phenomenon than
a real benefit.
Rog wrote:
>> On 30 Dec 1998 15:52:48 -0000, "jayakumar" <jakku at>
> wrote:
>> >Dear members
>> > Moreover UV does not pass through any OPAQUE material, least of all
> >plastic. Water also absorbs UV, as does glass. Quartz is transparent to UV.
> > Please comment on this
> >jakku
> >****************************************************************************
> >********************
> >R. Jayakumar, CSIR-SRF,
> >School of Biotechnology,
> >Madurai Kamaraj University,
> >Madurai - 625021.
> >India
>> I beg to take exception to this - some recent experiments I have
> conducted on samples of common gallon sized plastic milk containers
> have found them to be highly transmissive of UVC rays (and of course
> UVA and UVB as well), even though they are translucent, rather than
> transparent. They may, in fact, be considerably more transparent than
> many forms of glass.
> --Rog