FW: Position available: System administrator

Llaca, Victor llaca at WAKSMAN.RUTGERS.EDU
Thu Jan 7 16:22:11 EST 1999

From: Llaca, Victor on Tue, Dec 15, 1998 9:36 PM
Subject: Position available: System administrator


UNIX system administrator, part-time (10-15 hr/week)

Plant genomics group based in the Waksman Institute requires a UNIX system
administrator. Duties will include system backup, troubleshooting, software
installation and maintenance of UNIX system used for data storage and analysis.
This person is expected to be able to assist molecular biology researchers on
computer issues, particularly oriented to UNIX and networking, and establish
coordination with the institute system administrator. 

Requirements: A BachelorÕs or MasterÕs degree in computer science or related
area. The applicant should have at least 1 or 2 years experience in UNIX system
administration. Knowledge in networking (TCP/IP Ethernet) and basic programing
skills in UNIX shell script is required. Knowledge of HTML webpage design is
highly desirable. Knowledge of molecular biology and genetics is desirable but
not essential.

Please send resume before January 6, 1999 to:  Dr. Victor Llaca, Waksman
Institute, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, 190 Frelinghuysen  Rd.,
Piscataway    NJ    08854-8020. (e-mail: llaca at waksman.rutgers.edu)  

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