Bachellors Microbiology. Re: Looking for information in genetic engineering.

Ariel / Jaime Finguerut ariel.finguerut at merconet.com.br
Sun Jan 3 09:15:47 EST 1999

Hi, Angeles and all:

Happy New Year!
My son is very interested in a microbiology bachellors course.
Would you please send us more information about your course as well any
other good one in the USA?
Do your course has an URL (www....)?
I thank you in advance for your kind help.

Best Regards


Jaime Finguerut
Av. Dona Lidia, 900 apto 34
Piracicaba S.P. BRAZIL 13405-130
-----Mensagem original-----
De: angeles <angeles at prtc.net>
Para: microbio at net.bio.net <microbio at net.bio.net>
Data: Quinta-feira, 31 de Dezembro de 1998 15:11
Assunto: Looking for information in genetic engineering

>I am actually doing a bachellors on microbiology, but I am really
>interested in genetic engineering.  What should I do in order to study this
>and if microbiology would help me for this?

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