What I have to do?

William J. Mason wmason at COMP.UARK.EDU
Sun Jan 3 01:37:40 EST 1999

Perhaps looking at the National Science Foundation, National Institute for
Health, or the American Society for Microbiology could provide a
scholarship, stipend or grant for you to come to the US and study.  Also,
I would begin calling the Admissions offices and Financial Aid offices of
some US schools that you might be interested in attending.  Many schools
will offer assistance to individuals not native to the US who wish to
study.  Do not give up on your goal to come to the US to study.  It may
require hard work and research on your part, but your goal is easily
attainable.  Perhaps others on this Listserv can provide better
information to you.  Good luck.   

Jeff Mason
University of Arkansas, Biological Sciences/Microbiology
wmason at comp.uark.edu

On Sun, 3 Jan 1999, Dor Kain wrote:

> Hi, I am Dor Kain from Israel,
> My dream is to study genetic engineering in the US, but i cant see how i can
> make it reality,
> maybe you know?
> My problem is money - i dont have enough money to study even for a single
> year in the US. I tried to search financial aid in different sources, but i
> didnt found nothing for international student.
> Maybe you know who is interested to help students wherever they are to study
> genetic engineering in the US.
> Please help me.
> Thanks a lot.
> Dor.

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