DNATools, bug-fix

Søren W. Rasmussen swr at crc.dk
Wed Sep 30 08:00:42 EST 1998

Dear DNATools user,

The interest in downloading DNAtool have been somewhat of a surprise. The response from
the many new users have revealed a few minor bugs - and a more serious one. The bugs have
been corrected and the bug-fix (new exe and hlp files) can be downloaded from


The file name of the bug-fix is 51100_EXE.zip (1,121 Mb) which contains both the exe and the
help file. After downloading and unzipping, simply replace the old copies of dnatools.exe and
dnatools.hlp in your dnatools directory with the new files. Reinstallation is not necessary.

If you are interested in being kept informed directly about the life of DNATools, please
send me your e-mail address.

Best regards


Dr. scient. Søren W. Rasmussen
Carlsberg Laboratory, Department of Physiology
10 Gl. Carlsbergvej, DK-2500, Copenhagen, Denmark
Phone  45 3327 5230 / 45 3616 2259, Fax 45 3327 4766
E-mail swr at crc.dk

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