Lab bench disinfectants

Mike O'Hara mjohara at ihug.co.nz
Thu Sep 10 00:26:19 EST 1998

Bernie MacLennan wrote:
> What are most people using for routine disinfection practices in
> undergraduate microbiology  labs.
> Bernie MacLennan


A lot of people use alcohol (often 70% v/v) but is not much chop against
any of the hardier microorganisms and won't even look at spore formers. 

For virus disinfection  a product called Virkon works well and they
provide a fair bit of validation data with it. For general and bacterial
including spores there is a product called Bacti-Pal. It is very
aggressive (nitric acid is one of its components) but we validated it to
bump off spores so it certainly does the job.


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