Virtual Conference: Computers in University Biology Education

A.J.Cann nna at leicester.ac.uk
Sun Sep 6 10:02:24 EST 1998

Virtual Conference: Computers in University Biology Education 1998.

7th -13th September 1998


This year's virtual conference will focus on a number of 
subject-specific discussions which will take 
place on successive days at specified times, although each area will 
remain open for further comments from participants unable to make the 
times of the discussions. vCUBE 98 is for anyone with an interest in 
using learning technology to enhance teaching of the biological 

Programme of Discussions:

Monday 7th September
1300-1600 GMT (1400-1700 BST, 0900-1200 EDT)
Death of the Silver Image!
Image databases are an invaluable resource for those who teach the 
morphological sciences, e.g. anatomy, development, embryology. This 
discussion will focus will on the availability and use of image 
databases to enhance teaching.
Chair: Mike Mahon, University of Manchester, UK

Tuesday 8th September
1300-1600 GMT (1400-1700 BST, 0900-1200 EDT)
Using Modelling and Simulation with students:
A discussion on how students can be encouraged to improve their 
understanding of dynamic biological systems by using simulations and 
Chair: Peter Miller, CTI Biology & University of Liverpool, UK

Wednesday 9th September
1330-1600 GMT (1430-1700 BST, 0900-1200 EDT)
Problem Solving in Evolution Education:
Based on the paper by Sam Donovan and John Jungck 'A Problem Solving 
Approach to Evolution Education' this discussion will consider 
how computers can be used in a problem based learning 
approach to evolutionary biology.
Chair: Sam Donovan, BioQUEST, Beloit College, USA

Thursday 10th September
1300-1600 GMT (1400-1700 BST, 0900-1200 EDT)
Microbiology Online:
A series of discussions on using the internet to teach microbiology. 
Including a general discussion about how to introduce microbiology 
students to the internet and discussions on the availablity and use 
of Java applets and Javascript.
Chairs: Zev Leifer, New York College of Podiatric Medicine, USA 
Alan Cann, University of Leicester, UK

Friday 11th September
1300-1600 GMT (1400-1700 BST, 0900-1200 EDT)
Molecular Modelling in the classroom.
This discussion will focus on ways to improve student understanding 
of Molecular structures using Chime and Rasmol and will be of 
interest to anyone who teaches Biochemsitry, Molecular Biology, 
Chair: John  Basford, University of Wales, Cardiff, UK

Registration for the conference is FREE, all you need is a computer 
running Netscape 3.0 or Internet Explorer 3.0 or higher, which is 
configured to accept cookies.
Registration will be available from Friday 4th September at: 

Other Features
Email updates - at this year's conference you can receive regular 
updates on what is happening in each discussion area simply by 
choosing the Mailing list item from the More Options menu (accessed 
from the More button on the WebBoard toolbar) and selecting the 
conferences you want to keep track of.

Real Audio recordings of CUBE 98 - if you missed the live CUBE 98 
event held in Liverpool (UK) in July then you can listen to the 
transcripts of the event on the CUBE 98 web site. All you need is the 
RealPlayer (downloadable free from: http://real.co.uk/)and a sound 
card in your machine. HTML versions of the speakers' Powerpoint 
presentations are also available.

There will be general notice board for posting comments, and queries 
about any aspect of using computers to teach biology.

Christina Smart
Centre Manager,
CTI Biology,
Donnan Laboratories,
University of Liverpool,
Crown Street,
Liverpool L69 7ZD.
Tel: 0151 794 5118
Fax: 0151 794 4401
Email: ctibiol at liverpool.ac.uk

Dr Alan J. Cann  PhD,   Department of Microbiology & Immunology,
University of Leicester,  P.O. Box 138,  Medical Sciences Building,
University Road, Leicester LE1 9HN,  UK.

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