
jan bille jan.bille at teliamail.dk
Thu Sep 3 15:50:02 EST 1998

Does anyone know about hydrolysis of dyed substrates by endocellulases
?  I have tested AZCL-HEcellulose and RBB-CMcellulose with a
cellulolytic bacteria. On both substrates I find hydrolysis, but the
bacteria can not grow on the corresponding undyed substrates.
Are cellulases other than endocellulases able to hydrolyse dyed
substrates like AZCL-HEcellulose and RBB-CMcellulose ?
If I measure endocellulase activity with a dyed substrate I would expect
my microorganism to grow on the corresponding undyed substrate, or could
this be an exception ?
Have you experienced microorganisms which are able to degrade and grow
on crystalline cellulose, but unable to grow on substrates like
HEcellulose and CMcellulose ?

Annemette Sørensen

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