Reference bacteria.

Raul Colodner coloraul at mishkei.org.il
Fri Oct 30 23:38:11 EST 1998

In our lab we "amplified" the use of ATCC strains by culturing them for the
first time in a solid agar and then harvesting to a Microbank vial. Each
vial contains 25 beads, you can keep the bacteria viable for a long time
at -20 and for ever at -70. You roll each time you need a bead directly on
the agar, so from the original comercial loop you get 25 . Good look!
Bjorn P. wrote in message <70vskl$ije$1 at readme.online.no>...
>I need to have different types of bacteria available for my in house
>assurance system.
>I have previously used cultures bought from ATCC. But I find it time
>consuming to maintain them in house.
>I have thought about starting to use the reference bacterias offered from
>Oxoid ( loops) or TSC (Selectrol tablets).
>Does anyone have experience  with them?
>When you inoculate a petridish with this reference bacteria, for how long
>would you keep it and pick colonies, and still be sure you do not get
>alteration of the properties of the bacteria?
>Bjorn P.

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