Excluding bacteria 2

Doug Jones duge4wd at email.msn.com
Fri Oct 23 03:48:33 EST 1998

D.H. wrote:
>2. Measure bacterial/fungal activity and correlate with effect! Activity
>based on respiration has been suggested, which do well for both bacteria
>and fungi. However I think the thymidine/leucin-incorporation-technique
>is easier, but then I do not get the fungi. This is a good suggestion,
>but there ought to be some cooperative effects, which I want to know,
>but I cannot figure out how I could get them if I am not able to
>investigate the effects of fungi and bacteria respectively.

I suppose it depends on what activities the bacterium/fungi perform in
symbiosis with the plant. We measure nitrogen fixation by exposing root
masses with nodules to acetylene. Acetylene reduction takes place at the
same rate as N2 fixation. We can then access the particular bacterium's
abilities in regards to N2 fixation with particular plants; We do this with
field and greenhouse plants. Of course, we do have to consider other
organisms when in the field.

Sounds like you're up against it. Good Luck.
D. Jones

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