Th1 Th2 in mouse models of infection

Glen Ulett glen.ulett at jcu.edu.au
Mon Jun 29 19:59:54 EST 1998

RE: Th1 and Th2 Cytokines in mouse models of infection

Dear fellow researchers,

In a mouse model of gram negative infection, what is the liklehood of
Th2 cytokines, ie. IL-4 and IL10 being produced in the first 48h of
infection. I expect high levels of pro-inflammatory Th1 like IFNg and
TNFa, but people have suggested Th2 cytokines will not appear till 3-5
days after infection. How accurate is this assumption..? Also, is it
likely or possible that a strong Th1 response in the first 48h will be
followed closely/concurrently by a Th2 response to abrogate septic
processes induced by excessive levels of TNF etc...? Thanks in advance
for any information on this. Please email responses to
glen.ulett at jcu.edu.au

Glen Ulett

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