Autoclave Validation

Ted Burrows ted at integrated-designs.co.uk
Sat Jun 27 22:38:41 EST 1998

il128 at my-dejanews.com wrote:
> Any suggestions on how
>to prevent the stoppers from sticking together? Paul

You really require a specialised autoclave for this process which has a 
rotating drum fitted inside the chamber.
Fedegari and Sauter/Huber are just two manufacturers that make 
autoclave/washers for this purpose. The stoppers are loaded loose into 
the drum which rotates during the process and reduces sticking. The full 
cycle does washing and siliconizing as well.
As you have found it is a catch 22 situation, without the pre-vacuum you 
will not get the steam penetration, but it is the vacuum that causes the 
sticking that prevents the steam penetration.

Ted Burrows.   Registered Authorised Person (Sterilizers)
Integrated Designs
Thermal Validation specialists

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