Red Pigments

Valero Congil, Jesus Manuel JValero at inasmet.es
Mon Jun 22 02:09:57 EST 1998

What about Micrococcus roseus?

Micrococcus roseus is a red coloured Gram + bacteria. It can be found 
in different environments.

<There is also a yeast that grows red/coral:
<Rhodotorula rubra. Colony types are sometimes mucoid. Gram staining
<would show a gram positive round or oval cells and sometimes a faint
<capsule. Kay

There are many different read coloured yeasts, Bensingtonia, Bullera, 
Crytococcus, Rhodotorula, Sporodiobolus, Sporobolomyces...

Jesus M. Valero
Biodeterioration and Biodegradation
Jesus M. Valero
Biodeterioration and Biodegradation
Environmental Technologies Dpt.
email: jvalero at inasmet.es
Fax: +34 43 21 75 60
Tel: +34 43 31 66 22

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