Nitrogen effect

environnement.ensaia.u-nancy.fr Hayar at ensaia.u-nancy.fr
Mon Jun 22 03:57:17 EST 1998

Dear NewsGroup members,

Upon reviewing the literature, the use of nitrogen (as fertilizer e.g.
ammonium sulfate) may reduce the degradation of pesticides in soil (For
example : atrazine and 2,4-D  ; despite  that the last  one  doesn't
contain  N source).

Do you think that nitrogen can have a side effect on enzyme activity  ? or
only it induces or provokes a selectivity  inside the microbial population
? how it can affect the activity of  bacteria or fungi ?

In  case of the first hypothesis, in what way  nitrogen can effect or
suppress the activity of the enzyme ?

all suggestions and comments are well appreciated

Any related references would also be appreciated.

Please to mail directly to : hayar at ensaia.u-nancy.fr
I promise to make a synthesis of replies for the group.

Thank you very much

M. Salem HAYAR
Ecole Nationale Superieure d'Agronomie et des Industries Alimentaires
2, avenue de la Foret de Haye
Laboratoire Sols et Environnement associe INRA, B.P. 172
54505 Vandoeuvre-Les-Nancy Cedex, FRANCE
Tel.: (+33) poste 5107
Telecopie : (+33)
Mailto:hayar at ensaia.u-nancy.fr

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