How do I identify biofilm bacteria?

JennyG my.email.address.is.doublehelix at poboxes.com
Sun Jun 21 12:47:25 EST 1998

I need to identify what organisms are in the biofilm of our municipal
water lines.  Is there any particular sampling techniques I should
use?  I was planning on just scraping the pipes' walls with a sterile
spatula and dropping a chunk of the ooze into a sterile container.
Will this be enough to make sure I can identify it, or should I place
it onto a nutrient agar on site, without waiting to get back to the

What do I do once I get to the lab?  I don't know where to start.  All
I can think of, off the top of my head, is to gram stain the stuff and
examine morphology.  And maintain a culture of it on nutrient agar.

I would greatly appreciate any comments or suggestions.

doublehelix at poboxes.com

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