TOP10 recABCD-

Christophe DUNAND Christophe.DUNAND at ujf-grenoble.fr
Fri Jun 19 09:30:29 EST 1998

Dear all,

We are about to use the pBAD vector to express our protein in the TOP10
strain that goes with it.
However, for some reasons that are related to the nature of our protein, we
need the strain to be also recBCD- in addition to or instead of recA-.
Would you have or do you know labs who could have made such a strain?
Any other non-TOP10 recABCD- strain that would allow the use of pBAD vector
would do the job, I guess.

Thanks for your help.

Dunand Christophe
Genetique moleculaire des plantes
e-mail: Christophe.DUNAND at ujf-grenoble.fr

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