Convert Excel file into StrainMan database

Jene Jockey jenejockey at pobox.com
Thu Jun 11 15:10:27 EST 1998

Custom Importing into StrainMan from http://www.caesarsoftware.com.

Choose Import from the File menu.
Click on the Get File button.
Select the file to be imported.
The list on the right shows a preview of the data
in the file you selected. If the data does not look
the way you expect it to, try changing the
delimiter characters until the fields are displayed

Indicate the destination table for the data by
choosing a table from the popup at the top left of
the screen.

Using the arrow buttons, or, by dragging and
dropping, indicate the fields in the table (the
leftmost list) into which the data on the right is to
be imported.
Click the Import button to begin importing. A
large file may take up to several minutes
depending on the amount of data imported and the speed of your computer.


Gene Jockey,
Advanced Systems, Inc.

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