algae identification for beginners

JennyG my.email.address.is.doublehelix at poboxes.com
Mon Jun 8 17:25:29 EST 1998

On 08 Jun 1998 20:31:15 GMT, slobugs at aol.com (Slobugs) wrote:

>Try to find a copy of "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and
>Wastewater".  Lots of color plates of algae

I have this and use it, as well as the dichotomic tables in that text.
I'm looking for additional information, because Standard Methods just
isn't cutting it.  I did find a program called "Computer Assisted
Algal Recognition" in our lab's library.  It's a few years old, but so
is the algae I'm looking at.  :-)

I'm looking for updated versions of the software now.

Thanks for your help,

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