The use of regulary available MIcrowave ovens is not to be recommended for
the prepartion of microbiological media for the following reason :-
a) The effects of localised super heating can lead to destruction of gel
structure and decomposition of vital nutrients.
b) The effects of enequal heat distribution when treating large volumes of
media may result in the production of non sterile media.
c) There also exist serious health and safety issues from possible
evacuations during or just after processing.
If your on a budget use a pressure cooker or buy preprepared media.
Hope this helps
"William J. Mason" <wmason at COMP.UARK.EDU> wrote in article
<Pine.SOL.3.95.980603100740.2604B-100000 at comp>...
> Everyone,
>> I am trying to come up with some resources for a High School to use in
> their laboratories. Would a microwave work in an analogous manner as an
> "autoclave" would for sterilizing media and then for use in sterilizing
> plates after an experiment is done. Has anyone ever tried this? Also,
> you have any other suggestions for High School Laboratory "resources" on
> fixed/tight budget, let me know.
>> Thanks everyone,
>> Jeff Mason