Opportunities for distribution of microbiology products

Damian Bond damian.bond at virgin.net
Tue Jun 2 17:40:33 EST 1998

I have been contracted to locate distributors for a new group. The company
has recently been formed from an amalgamation of acquisitions. Its product
range focuses upon microbiology, for clinical, food and environmental
testing. Some of the product names are well known and respected.

The acquisitions have provided a wide range of products, based upon
technologies from traditional, to automated to rapid. They cover products
and service testing.

There is an exisiting distributor base, but it is not extensive enough to
satisfy all the potential of the product range. My Client is interested in
exploring collaborations in all countries. If you are interested in more
information please e-mail me at

damian.bond at virgin.net

Yours sincerely

Damian Bond
DB5 Consulting

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