I find the claim hard to believe. The UV light may pass through the plastic
or water and kill some bacteria, but I doubt it would be sufficient. I would
like to know if there is some data on this..a research paper etc. I would be
extremely interested.
In article <mignatz-2712982300290001 at mjmiller.roc.servtech.com>,
mignatz at servtech.com (Dr. Michael J. Miller) wrote:
>Is there any scientific data to support the claim below?
>>In article <3683ED68.E247049A at a-net.net.th>, comfortc at infonews.co.th wrote:
>>> In Thailand we have easy way to produce bottle drinking water
>> in the urban area (the province up country). By using UV from sunlight
>> to disinfect the normal flora in water by bring the bottle of water to stay
>> in sunlight for more than 12 hrs. This is the easy way to produce when
>there are
>> no sterile expensive equipments.
>>>> It can kill the pathogens in water as well.
>>>>Dr. Michael J. Miller