Staining for Helicobacter pylori in gastric biopsy sections

Bob Dilworth rwd at toledolink.com
Mon Dec 21 22:36:56 EST 1998

I work as a medical technologist in a microbiology laboratory.  Our
pathologists send our department tissue sections to be stained with
Gram's stain to look for the curved gram negative rods of Helicobacter
pylori.  This method is very time consuming.  We have talked to one of
the pathologists regarding staining with Giemsa or other stains.

Does anyone out there do this routinely in their clinical lab?  What
staining methods do you use?  Has anyone ever used Acridine Orange
fluorescent stain for this?  I realize there are other methods such as
the CLO test for urease production but as we are not connected to a
hospital, we seem to be stuck with this.

ANY input would be appreciated.

Judy Dilworth, M.T. (ASCP)

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