Safe Egg Nog

phil jorge2 at earthlink.net
Sat Dec 19 12:19:12 EST 1998

Sorry, you are incorrect re. ethanol conc. - 12% is not enough to
reliably kill bugs (some can grow in ethanol up to ~20%) and certainly
not enough for samonella in this context.  The emulsions and solids of
egg nog will likely protect bugs therein from even effective levels is
of ethanol - though an infective dose may not be established by

jayakumar wrote:
> >MH>Hi,
> >
> >MH>In the past, during the holiday season, I would make 'home made' egg
> >MH>nog.  Now, because of the potential of bacteria contamination in
> >MH>uncooked eggs, I've not been making my traditional holiday drink.
> >
> >MH>1) Is my fear justified?
> >
> >MH>2) How much rum/brandy will be required to reduce or eliminate the
> >MH>risk of drinking contaminated egg nog.
> >
> >MH>Thanks,
> >
> >MH>Maurice O. Hevey
> >MH>mhevey at skypoint.com
> >
> >If you can't be sure the eggs are uncontaminated from a known safe
> >source or by keeping your own hens, there are recipes that use cooked
> >eggs which doesn't taste as good to me. Or you can use powdered eggs
> >which DO taste almost as good as the fresh eggs.
> >
> HI!
>     YOu have strange fears.  Sure! bacterial contamination is one problem.
> But cooking alone may not destroy any potential bacterial toxins in the
> contaminated egg.  But such contamination is very rare in eggs and happens
> only when you buy eggs from undependable sources.  The advantages of taking
> an egg a day outweighs the risk of egg contamination.  I have been taking
> eggs all my life and never faced contaminated  eggs ( and that too in my
> country where quality control of food is virtually non-existent).  Spoiled
> eggs can easily be identified.
>    Rather adding rum/ other alcoholic drinks is more injurious to your
> health than risking an egg a day.  Moreover to completely kill any
> microrganisms in any drink, you need atleast a concentration of 12%v/v of
> alcohol. that sure may make you tipsy.
>    Too much health consciousness may also spoil your health.
> jayakumar
> jakku at mrna.tn.nic.in
> ****************************************************************************
> ********************
> R. Jayakumar, CSIR-SRF,
> School of Biotechnology,
> Madurai Kamaraj University,
> Madurai - 625021.
> India
> tel: +91-452-858464(hostel), 858471(ask for 374 to lab)
> fax: +91-452-859105
> email: jakku at mrna.tn.nic.in
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