Corynebacterium - Brevibacterium

Hendrik Rönsch h.roenschnospam at uni-koeln.de
Tue Dec 15 06:56:22 EST 1998

Dear collegues,

I´d like to get to know people (scientists, work groups et c.), who
work on any topic concerning the genera Corynebacterium or
As I started my PhD studying Corynebacterium glutamicum (osmotic
stress - amino acid production) last year I would be grateful to get
in contact with as many people as possible sharing interest in this
field of research.
However, please don´t hesitate to contact me, if you´re working on the
molecular biology level.

My aim is to get to know problems you don´t read from in the
literature or even share some problem solutions....

Thank you. If reply, please remove the "nospam"


Hendrik Rönsch
University of Cologne, Biochemistry
Please visit my homepage:

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