The truth is out there

Walter Eric Johnson wej3715 at scully.tamu.edu
Mon Dec 14 07:01:04 EST 1998

F. Frank LeFever (flefever at ix.netcom.com) wrote:
: Nice that each has found someone who "understands".
: Let us hope they email each other directly, incessantly.
: Maybe someone should fund a think-tank for these great minds--with
: padded walls?  We have a couple of other candidates, absent from this
: group (mercifully) for a while, but not forgotten...

I think they have something going there.  Let's not discourage
them from forming a company to mine toenails for valuable metals.
"Thar's gold in them thar toenails."  It could be the start of
another gold rush.  People would wake up after being slipped a
mickey to find that someone had stolen their fingernails and
toenails.  This could be the start of something big. 

Eric Johnson

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