The truth is out there

F. Frank LeFever flefever at ix.netcom.com
Sun Dec 13 20:42:46 EST 1998

Nice that each has found someone who "understands".
Let us hope they email each other directly, incessantly.

Maybe someone should fund a think-tank for these great minds--with
padded walls?  We have a couple of other candidates, absent from this
group (mercifully) for a while, but not forgotten...

F. LeFever

In <913570714.12075.0.nnrp-06.d4e44203 at news.demon.co.uk> "Andrew K
Fletcher" <andrew.k.fletcher at naturesway.demon.co.uk> writes: 
>Thanks for your kind review Ken
>Would like to offer the following remark to the use of a microscope,
>hope it is received in a positive context.
>Education has been the downfall of science and prohibits free
>Education causes people to stop before they say something. A child is
>more clever than some well educated people, whom I have met. They have
>become too well educated, and no longer see the wood for the trees.
>A top scientist was talking on a BBC radio program about the advances
>science. Listeners were invited to ask him questions.
>Needless to say there were not many takers. However I asked him this
>question: "When you look through your microscope, do you see more or
less of
>the object which you are focused on?". To my surprise he couldn't
answer the
>question and blinded the question with B.S. and somewhat hesitant
>skill. A child would have probably answered "More", meaning more
detail, but
>you actually see less of the object.
>I was trying to point out that the closer one looks at the details the
>one sees. In other words step back and look at the whole picture. This
>particularly important with regard to trying to work out how things
>in the real world. You can't take a slice from a tree any more than
you can
>take a slice from a vital organ, to find out how it works because you
>disconected it. "Sorry for stating the obvious again".
>kkollins at pop3.concentric.net wrote in message
><36733F0D.5BA589C9 at pop3.concentric.net>...
>>Good for you, Andrew, the integration inherent in your Theory is
>>Quite-Nice. You can Verify your position be-cause, if it's Correct,
>>"tube"-construction must be graded over the length of the tubes
>>(greatest where the tube is oldest, least where the tube is newest.)
>>carefully cross-sectioned tree, a microscope, and the Will to do
>>be a lengthy cross-correlation process are all you need.
>>I enjoyed reading your work. Cheers, Ken Collins
>>Andrews K Fletcher wrote:
>>[his Interesting Theoretical Position re. water flow in trees]

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