The truth is out there

Andrew K Fletcher andrew.k.fletcher at naturesway.demon.co.uk
Sun Dec 13 12:38:47 EST 1998

Thanks for your kind review Ken

Would like to offer the following remark to the use of a microscope, and
hope it is received in a positive context.

Education has been the downfall of science and prohibits free thinking.
Education causes people to stop before they say something. A child is far
more clever than some well educated people, whom I have met. They have
become too well educated, and no longer see the wood for the trees.
A top scientist was talking on a BBC radio program about the advances in
science. Listeners were invited to ask him questions.

Needless to say there were not many takers. However I asked him this
question: "When you look through your microscope, do you see more or less of
the object which you are focused on?". To my surprise he couldn't answer the
question and blinded the question with B.S. and somewhat hesitant political
skill. A child would have probably answered "More", meaning more detail, but
you actually see less of the object.
I was trying to point out that the closer one looks at the details the less
one sees. In other words step back and look at the whole picture. This is
particularly important with regard to trying to work out how things happen
in the real world. You can't take a slice from a tree any more than you can
take a slice from a vital organ, to find out how it works because you have
disconected it. "Sorry for stating the obvious again".
kkollins at pop3.concentric.net wrote in message
<36733F0D.5BA589C9 at pop3.concentric.net>...
>Good for you, Andrew, the integration inherent in your Theory is
>Quite-Nice. You can Verify your position be-cause, if it's Correct, the
>"tube"-construction must be graded over the length of the tubes
>(greatest where the tube is oldest, least where the tube is newest.) a
>carefully cross-sectioned tree, a microscope, and the Will to do what'll
>be a lengthy cross-correlation process are all you need.
>I enjoyed reading your work. Cheers, Ken Collins
>Andrews K Fletcher wrote:
>[his Interesting Theoretical Position re. water flow in trees]

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